Supporting The SDGs 2030

Goal 8

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Goal 10

Reduced Inequalities

To reduce inequality through paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalised populations.

Goal 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Target 11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

Goal 4

Quality Education

Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty. For quality education to be provided to the children of impoverished families, investment is needed in areas such as educational scholarships, teacher training workshops etc.

Malaysia Office

No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata, Level #01-02, Gateway Kuching, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Phone Number

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